ISMIR 2008 Tutorial
Music Information Retrieval in ChucK:
Real-time Prototyping for MIR Systems and Live Performance

Ge Wang, Rebecca Fiebrink, and Perry R. Cook

Handouts at ISMIR 2008 Resources Additional Reading
  • Ge Wang, Rebecca Fiebrink, and Perry R. Cook. 2007. "Combining Analysis and Synthesis in the ChucK Programming Language". In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Copenhagen.
    (get pdf)

  • Rebecca Fiebrink, Ge Wang, and Perry R. Cook. 2008. "Foundations for On-the-fly Learning in the ChucK Programming Language". In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference. Belfast.
    (get pdf)

  • Ge Wang. The ChucK Audio Programming Language: A Strongly-timed and On-the-fly Environ/mentality. PhD Thesis, Princeton University, 2008.
    (thesis online)

  • Rebecca Fiebrink, Ge Wang, and Perry R. Cook. 2008. "Support for MIR Prototyping and Real-time Applications in the ChucK Programming Language". In Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval. Philadelphia.
    (get pdf)