// name: JoyOfChant.ck // original Chant.ck -> Perry Cook // map for joystick -> Rebecca Fiebrink + Ge Wang // date: January 2007 // sources SndBuf buffy[16]; Impulse i; Noise n; // sub patch TwoZero t => TwoZero t2 => OnePole p; // formant filters p => TwoPole f1 => Gain g; p => TwoPole f2 => g; p => TwoPole f3 => g; // reverb and echo g => ADSR env => Gain gate => JCRev r; JCRev rr => dac; 2.0 => rr.gain; // number of channels dac.channels() => int CHANNELS; // prev UGen @ prev; // channel index 0 => int channel; // buffy index 0 => int which_buffy; // load glottal pop for( int i; i < buffy.cap(); i++ ) "special:glot_pop" => buffy[i].read; // set first two zero filter 1.0 => t.b0; 0.0 => t.b1; -1.0 => t.b2; // set second two zero filter 1.0 => t2.b0; 0.0 => t2.b1; 1.0 => t2.b2; // envelope env.set( 50::ms, 30::ms, .5, 80::ms ); env.keyOff(); // set effects parameters 0.05 => r.mix; 0.01 => rr.mix; // see formant filter parameters 0.997 => f1.radius; 0.997 => f2.radius; 0.997 => f3.radius; .4 => float factor; factor * 1.0 => f1.gain; factor * 0.8 => f2.gain; factor * 0.6 => f3.gain; // initialize center freq Std.rand2f(230.0,660.0) => f1.freq; Std.rand2f(800.0,2300.0) => f2.freq; Std.rand2f(1700.0,3000.0) => f3.freq; // initialize global variables 400.0 => float f1freq; 1000.0 => float f2freq; 2800.0 => float f3freq; 400.0 => float target_f1freq; 1000.0 => float target_f2freq; 2800.0 => float target_f3freq; 1.0 => float target_gain; // set one pole parameters 0.99 => p.pole; .5 => p.gain; // more global variables, for source generation 0.00625 => float period; 0.00625 => float target_period; 0.0 => float modphase; // base and register 12 => int base; 3 => int register; 0 => int reg_change; // toggle mode 0 => int toggle_mode; 1 => int vocal_mode; 0 => int src_mode; 1 => int twist_enable; 0 => int vibrato_bend; 0 => int sing; buffy.cap() => int bufcap; 0 => float vibrato_depth; 0 => float pitch_bend; 1 => float pop_density; 1.0 / period => Std.ftom => float inter_pitch => float the_pitch; // initial connection mono(); // src_mode == 0 buf(); // joystick Hid js; // keyboard Hid kb; // hid message HidMsg msg; // open if( !kb.openKeyboard( 0 ) ) me.exit(); if( !js.openJoystick( 0 ) ) me.exit(); <<< "Ready?", "" >>>; // key map int key[256]; // key and pitch 0 => key[29]; 1 => key[27]; 2 => key[6]; 3 => key[25]; 4 => key[5]; 5 => key[4] => key[17]; 6 => key[22] => key[16]; 7 => key[7] => key[54]; 8 => key[9] => key[55]; 9 => key[10] => key[56]; 10 => key[20] => key[11]; 11 => key[26] => key[13]; 12 => key[8] => key[14]; 13 => key[21] => key[15]; 14 => key[23] => key[51]; 15 => key[28] => key[52]; 16 => key[24]; 17 => key[12]; 18 => key[18]; 19 => key[19]; 20 => key[47]; 21 => key[48]; 22 => key[49]; // which is current 0 => int current; // current coordinate 0 => float curr_x; 0 => float curr_y; // the four-mants [ [ 740.0, 1108.0, 2489.0 ], // ah [ 530.0, 1864.0, 2637.0 ], // e [ 349.0, 932.0, 2489.0 ], // oo [ 196.0, 2637.0, 2793.0 ] // i ] @=> float formants[][]; // the four-mants [ [ 703.0, 1475.0, 2984.0 ], // ah [ 530.0, 1864.0, 2637.0 ], // e [ 390.0, 1450.0, 2906.0 ], // oo [ 431.0, 2434.0, 2913.0 ] // i ] @=> float formants2[][]; // the four-mants [ [ 703.0, 1475.0, 2984.0 ], // ah [ 530.0, 1864.0, 2637.0 ], // e [ 400.0, 800.0, 3250.0 ], // oo [ 431.0, 2434.0, 2913.0 ] // i ] @=> float formants3[][]; // pertubation Std.rand2f(.95, 1.05) => float pert_f1; Std.rand2f(.95, 1.05) => float pert_f2; Std.rand2f(.95, 1.05) => float pert_f3; // mono fun void mono() { // disconnect for( int i; i < CHANNELS; i++ ) r =< dac.chan(i); // connect r => dac; // gain .4 => r.gain; } // multi fun void multi() { // disconnect r =< dac; // gain 1 => r.gain; } // dis fun void dis() { // disconnect for( int i; i < buffy.cap(); i++ ) buffy[i] =< t; i =< t; n =< t; } // impulse fun void imp() { // disconnect dis(); // connect i => t; // gain 5.0 => i.gain; } // buf fun void buf() { // disconnect dis(); // connect if( register > 3 ) buffy.cap() => bufcap; else buffy.cap() / 2 => bufcap; for( int i; i < bufcap; i++ ) { buffy[i] => t; buffy[i].samples() => buffy[i].pos; } } // noise fun void noi() { // disconnect dis(); // connect n => t; .25 => n.gain; } // spork shreds spork ~ ramp_stuff(); // interpolate pitch and formants spork ~ do_impulse(); // voice source spork ~ kb_ctrl(); // keyboard input spork ~ js_ctrl(); // joystick input spork ~ ramp_other_stuff(); // swell ramp spork ~ network(); // listener // help function fun float distance( float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2 ) { return Math.sqrt( (x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1) ); } // the almighty bew! fun void bew() { // guess what distance( curr_x, curr_y, -1, 1 ) => float A; distance( curr_x, curr_y, 1, 1 ) => float B; distance( curr_x, curr_y, -1, -1 ) => float C; distance( curr_x, curr_y, 1, -1 ) => float D; // weights 1 / (A + .001) => float wA; 1 / (B + .001) => float wB; 1 / (C + .001) => float wC; 1 / (D + .001) => float wD; // normalize 1 / (wA + wB + wC + wD) => float norm; // formant table formants3 @=> float forms[][]; // target formant freqs ( wA * forms[0][0] + wB * forms[1][0] + wC * forms[2][0] + wD * forms[3][0] ) * norm * pert_f1 => target_f1freq; ( wA * forms[0][1] + wB * forms[1][1] + wC * forms[2][1] + wD * forms[3][1] ) * norm * pert_f2 => target_f2freq; ( wA * forms[0][2] + wB * forms[1][2] + wC * forms[2][2] + wD * forms[3][2] ) * norm * pert_f3 => target_f3freq; } // yes fun void registerUp() { if( register < 6 ) { register++; 1 => reg_change; } <<< "register:", register >>>; } // yes fun void registerDown() { if( register > 0 ) { register--; 1 => reg_change; } <<< "register:", register >>>; } // keyboard input fun void kb_ctrl() { float freq; // infinite event loop while( true ) { // wait for event kb => now; // get message while( kb.recv( msg ) ) { // which if( msg.which > 256 ) continue; if( key[msg.which] == 0 && msg.which != 29 ) { // register if( msg.which == 80 && msg.isButtonDown() ) registerDown(); else if( msg.which == 79 && msg.isButtonDown() ) registerUp(); } // set else if ( msg.isButtonDown() ) { // repatch bufs if necessary if( reg_change && src_mode == 0 ) { buf(); 0 => reg_change; } // freq base + register * 12 + key[msg.which] + Std.rand2f(-.05,.05) => inter_pitch; inter_pitch + pitch_bend => the_pitch => Std.mtof => freq; 1 / freq => target_period; msg.which => current; } // do nothing for button up } } } // joystick input fun void js_ctrl() { float freq; // infinite event loop while( true ) { // wait for event js => now; // get message while( js.recv( msg ) ) { // joystick axis motion if( msg.isAxisMotion() ) { // formant axis 1 if( msg.which == 0 ) { // remember msg.axisPosition => curr_x; // compute formants bew(); } // formant axis 2 else if( msg.which == 1 ) { // remember msg.axisPosition => curr_y; // compute formants bew(); } // twist axis else if( msg.which == 2 ) { if( twist_enable ) { if( msg.axisPosition > 0 ) { (-msg.axisPosition) => vibrato_depth; if( vibrato_bend ) msg.axisPosition / 2 => pitch_bend; } else if( msg.axisPosition < 0 ) (msg.axisPosition) => pitch_bend; else 0 => vibrato_depth => pitch_bend; // set freq inter_pitch + pitch_bend => the_pitch => Std.mtof => freq; 1 / freq => target_period; } // glottal pop density (msg.axisPosition + 1) / 16 + .035 => pop_density; } // volume axis else if( msg.which == 3 ) { (-msg.axisPosition + 1)/2 => g.gain; } } // joystick button down else if( msg.isButtonDown() ) { // trigger if( msg.which == 0 ) { sing => int prev; if( toggle_mode ) !sing => sing; else 1 => sing; if( !prev && sing ) { env.keyOn(); 3.0 => target_gain; } else if( prev && !sing ) { env.keyOff(); 1.0 => target_gain; } } // twist enable if( msg.which == 1 ) { 0 => twist_enable; 0 => vibrato_depth => pitch_bend; // set freq inter_pitch + pitch_bend => the_pitch => Std.mtof => freq; 1 / freq => target_period; } // toggle mode select else if( msg.which == 2 ) { !toggle_mode => toggle_mode; <<< "toggle mode:", toggle_mode ? "ON" : "OFF" >>>; 0 => sing; env.keyOff(); 1.0 => target_gain; } // src mode select else if( msg.which == 6 ) { (src_mode + 1) % 3 => src_mode; if( src_mode == 2 && !vocal_mode ) 0 => src_mode; <<< "src mode:", src_mode ? (src_mode == 1 ? "IMPULSE" : "NOISE") : "GLOTTAL" >>>; if( src_mode == 1 ) imp(); else if( src_mode == 2 ) noi(); else buf(); } // sing mode select else if( msg.which == 7 ) { !vocal_mode => vocal_mode; <<< "vocal mode:", vocal_mode ? "SING" : "GLOTTAL" >>>; env.keyOff(); if( vocal_mode ) { mono(); if( src_mode == 1 ) imp(); else if( src_mode == 2 ) noi(); else buf(); } else { multi(); if( src_mode == 1 ) imp(); else buf(); } } // vibrato bend else if( msg.which == 8 ) { !vibrato_bend => vibrato_bend; <<< "vibrato bend:", vibrato_bend ? "ON" : "OFF" >>>; } } // joystick button up else if( msg.isButtonUp() ) { // trigger if( msg.which == 0 ) { sing => int prev; if( !toggle_mode ) 0 => sing; if( prev && !sing ) { env.keyOff(); 1.0 => target_gain; } } // twist enable else if( msg.which == 1 ) { 1 => twist_enable; } } } // hat if( msg.isHatMotion() ) { if( msg.idata == 7 || msg.idata == 0 || msg.idata == 1 ) registerUp(); else if( msg.idata == 3 || msg.idata == 4 || msg.idata == 5 ) registerDown(); } } } // main lop while( true ) { // let time pass Std.rand2f(0.3,0.8) :: second => now; } // source generation fun void do_impulse() { // infinite time loop while( true ) { // sing if( vocal_mode ) { // fire! if( src_mode == 1 ) 1.0 => i.next; else if( src_mode == 2 ) { /* do nothing */ } else { 0 => buffy[which_buffy++].pos; bufcap %=> which_buffy; } // modulate phase modphase + period => modphase; // let period + mod pass (period + (.000025 + 0.0004 * vibrato_depth) * period / .004 * Math.sin(6.28 * modphase * 7.5))::second => now; } else // glottal pop { // connect if( prev != null ) r =< prev; dac.chan(channel) @=> prev; r => prev; channel++; CHANNELS %=> channel; // fire! if( src_mode == 1 ) 1.0 => i.next; else { 0 => buffy[which_buffy++].pos; bufcap %=> which_buffy; } // wait 10 / pop_density * ms => now; // Std.rand2f(1,25) / pop_density * ms => now; } } } // interpolation fun void ramp_stuff() { // mysterious 'slew' 0.025 => float slew; // infinite time loop while( true ) { (target_period - period) * 5 * slew + period => period; (target_f1freq - f1freq) * slew + f1freq => f1freq => f1.freq; (target_f2freq - f2freq) * slew + f2freq => f2freq => f2.freq; (target_f3freq - f3freq) * slew + f3freq => f3freq => f3.freq; 0.0025::second => now; } } // sustain ramp fun void ramp_other_stuff() { // mysterious 'slew', part tew float slew; // infinite time loop while( true ) { ( target_gain >= env.gain() ? .002 : .025 ) => slew; (target_gain - env.gain()) * slew + env.gain() => env.gain; 0.0025::second => now; } } // network fun void network() { // create our OSC receiver OscRecv recv; // use port 6449 (or whatever) 6449 => recv.port; // start listening (launch thread) recv.listen(); // create an address in the receiver, store in new variable recv.event( "/manamana/voicegate, f" ) @=> OscEvent oe; // infinite event loop while( true ) { // wait for event to arrive oe => now; // grab the next message from the queue. while( oe.nextMsg() ) { // set gain oe.getFloat() => gate.gain; } } }